Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
Ettalong Public School Staff 2024
Mrs Jodie Campbell - Principal
Ms Jane Crawford - Deputy Principal (Rel.)
Mr Aaron Johnston - Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction
Mrs Renne Robertson - Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction
Assistant Principal - Mrs Sarah Field
KF - Mrs Sarah Field
KL- Mrs Teresa Lechowski (M, Tu, W, Th) & Mrs Jess Manuelle (F)
KZ- Mrs Louise Zammit
K/1J - Mrs Jodie Jameson
Assistant Principal - Miss Janelle Chapman
1H - Mrs Bronwyn Hull
1T - Mr Joel Travers
1S - Mrs Marika Selwood
2C - Miss Janelle Chapman
2/KS - Mrs Alicia Kelly (M, Tu) & Mrs Rowena Sheumack (W, Th, F)
2/3H - Ms Sarah Harvey
Stage 2
Assistant Principal Mrs Vanessa Ryan (Rel)
3M - Mr Hayen Mole (Tu, W, Th, F) Mrs Natalie Fabri (M)
3T - Mr Glen Theobold
3/4B - Mr Matthew Boutland
4R - Mrs Vanessa Ryan
4S - Mrs Lisa Sayer (M, Tu, W, Th) Ms Victoria MacPherson (F)
Stage 3
Assistant Principal - Ms Harrison
5K- Mrs Kath Kennedy
5L - Ms Georgia Loadsman
5H- Ms Amy Hunting
6J- Mrs Lisa Jager
6H- Ms Sam Harrison
Assistant Principal - Mrs Cathie Page,( M, Tu, Th, Fr) & Miss Rebecca Crowther (W) (Rel)
K/6A - Mr Shane Annabel
K/6JR - Mrs Sue Judge (M, Tu, W) & Mrs Mary Rosano (Th, F)
K/6P- Mrs Catherine Page (M, Tu, Th, F) Mrs Jess Manuelle (W)
K/6W- Mrs Danielle Withford
Teacher Librarian - Mrs Alison Cross (M, Tu, W) & Mrs Jess Manuelle (M, Tu, Th)
RFF - Mrs Bronwyn Scheffer, Ms Shay Cox (M, Tu), Ms Lisa Dempsey (W) Ms Victoria MacPherson (Th)
Learning Support Teachers: Miss Rebecca Crowther (M, Tu, W), Mrs Fiona Curtis (T,u W, Th), Ms Karen Elliott, Mrs Natalie Fabri (Tu, W, Th)
QTSS: Mrs Renee Frazier (M, Tu, W) , Mrs Rowena Sheumack (M, Tu)
School Administrative and Support Staff
Mr Rheese Bull - Aboriginal Education Officer
Mrs Helen Denning - School Administrative Manager
Mrs Kate Glasson - School Administrative Manager (Rel.)
Mrs Cheryl Kelly - School Administrative Officer
Mrs Tracy Forbes - School Administrative Officer
Mrs Elizabeth Phelps - School Administrative Officer (Tu, W, Th)
Mrs Carol-Anne Brock - School Learning Support Officer
Ms Megan McLachlan - School Learning Support Officer
Ms Deborah Scahill - School Learning Support Officer
Ms Alison Shaw - School Learning Support Officer
Ms Marijke Ward - School Learning Support Officer
Mr Kevin Wagg - General Assistant